fredag 23. september 2011

Blood Diamond

My class recently watched the movie Blood Diamond at school. It`s a great movie, with a very important main theme, the diamond smuggling from a war zone to a non war zone so that the diamonds can be sold as "clean" diamonds. The people selling the diamonds to western customers get a great economical profit from it, and the prisoners that find the diamonds only get pain and possibly death.

The movie illustrates this in a very good and informative way. You don`t feel like your being told a story thats real, ´cause it`s such a dramatic and unreal setting. But sadly this is a very real industry. The movie has to parallel stories. One of the stories is about a fisherman in a small african village. He's village is invaded by the RUF(the bad guys), and he's wife and kinds get kidnapped and he is set to find diamonds. The other story is about a white african diamond smuggler. The story builds on these to characters, and it eventually ends well! 

The film is worth those hours it takes of your life, and if you have not seen it, you should! ;)

For more information:


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